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Articles By D10D3

Flickr - 2014-05-03 13.44.jpg
Clip-on Shades with Sugru

Clip-on Shades with Sugru

Lightsaber From Plumbing

Lightsaber From Plumbing

DIY Dataglove V2

DIY Dataglove V2

Lunchbox Computer with Raspberry Pi

Lunchbox Computer with Raspberry Pi

DIY Dataglove V1

DIY Dataglove V1

Acoustic Vulcan Lyre

Acoustic Vulcan Lyre

Project C=Board

Project C=Board

Klokwerx: Lego/Clockwork Walker

Klokwerx: Lego/Clockwork Walker

Feather Writing Quill

Feather Writing Quill

Tiny Seance Kit

Tiny Seance Kit


I've written up several projects as Instructables that provide step by step instructions. Instructables is a powerful resource for anyone who wants to learn to make things for themselves.

Building a Cybderdeck

Building a Cybderdeck

Riding a Bicycle Through Skyrim

Riding a Bicycle Through Skyrim

DIY VR: Homemade Oculus Rift

DIY VR: Homemade Oculus Rift

DIY Wearables: System Complete

DIY Wearables: System Complete

DIY Wearables: HMDs

DIY Wearables: HMDs

DIY Wearables: Data Glove

DIY Wearables: Data Glove

VR On The Cheap

VR On The Cheap

Active Wirehead

Active Wirehead is a cyberpunk web zine I've written some articles for. Any fan of cyberpunk or technology should give it a look.

UPDATE: Active Wirehead is no longer up, so I'm in the process of rehosting all of my articles from that site.

Articles About D10D3 Projects

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